Saturday, September 5, 2009

First Day of PreSchool

Ollie had his first day of preschool. He's going to a co-op preschool with children in the ward. He loved his first day. He was nervous about going. I talked with him about why he was nervous... he was afraid that his teacher would ask him to count higher than 100 and he wasn't sure if he could count higher. I just explained that the reason we go to school is to learn and that he didn't need to be afraid about the things he didn't know yet. He then got excited and was ready to go. I'm excited that this will give him a chance to interact with other kids more. I think it will also help him to learn more in a structured environment. We (Ollie and I)also need some adjustment to being away from each other. They do all day kindergarten here so next year he will be gone all day! I'll sure miss him!


Lara's blog said...

What a handsome little man!!! You can see the excitement on his face. I love it!

Amy said...

Ollie, I am so excited for you! I always LOVED school and I'm sure you will, too!