Monday, May 2, 2011

Tornado Alert

Spencer and I were watching a movie when we heard the tornado warning. We quickly turned everything off and turned on the radio. The radio warned us that a storm was coming and told us to get to shelter before the storm hit. We gathered our supplies and hauled all the kids into the bathroom. The kids slept through the whole thing. We spent an hour in the bathroom until the storm passed us. Luckily, no tornado's. Also lucky that just the day before we had practiced a tornado drill for family home evening. We knew exactly what to do! :)
During the practicing Lily kept saying, "If the tomato comes we get in the bathtub." I'm sure she's having visions of tomato's coming and knocking on the door and we all hide in the bathtub. :)


Stamp With Linz said...

My kids slept through me moving them into the laundry room...except Lucy who wasn't sure what I was doing, but agreed to lay down anyways. :)
I love your last comment, who know what's really going on in those precious minds?!?

Unknown said...

I love the "tomato part. Lily is so funny!