Thursday, March 28, 2013

Drive to Utah

We drove to Utah for the holiday season.  We were so excited to go!  We hadn't been back for 1 1/2 years.  We sure missed everyone and were so excited to see them.  We loaded the kids into the car after Spencer got off work Friday night.  We put all three older kids in back together so they could see the movie players that we bought for the trip.  They thought it was fun to go on a night drive in their pajamas.  We drove five hours the first night.  Then stayed in some hotel somewhere.  :)  Six people, one hotel room...  enough said.

I planned lots of fun activities to do in the car.  We had one day that was pirate day.  I let them each have a little pirate set from the dollar store.  We also had some fun mustaches from Papa's work party.  We had a lot of fun with the mustaches!  We told pirate jokes.  Here's a good one...  How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced?  A Buck an ear.  We also practiced talking like pirates and we had to call the driver "Captain".  The kids really enjoyed this.  We also watched "Peter Pan".

I was driving and Spencer reached over and put a mustache on me and then took my picture.

Gotta love the uni brow.

Lily sporting a mustache.

Katie was awesome!  We were worried about traveling with a baby that young but she was young enough to still sleep a ton!  When she wanted to eat I would just climb over the seats to take care of her.  The second day we hit a snow storm.  I didn't take any pictures- I helped Spencer watch the road.  After three hours of going 20mph we finally decided to stop in Colorado.  The kids were excited to see snow.  Claire was amazed that it was cold.  :)

The next day we finally reached Utah.  Spencer laughed when I took a picture of the sign but I was so excited!  There is just something about the place where you grow up...  it always feels like home.  We like Texas and our life there but Utah is where our extended family lives and we miss them.

I just had to take a picture of the mountains.  There and not real mountains in Texas.
We stopped at my Grandma's house in a small town in Utah.  Ollie and Spencer lost no time playing in the snow and building a snowman.

Ollie wanted several pictures of his snowman.

Claire exploring Great Grandma's house.

Great Grandma Beck holding baby Katie.  I love this picture.  Katie was just studying Grandma.

I'm so glad that we were able to visit with my Grandma.  It was a little out of our way but so forth it to spend a few hours with her.  After the few hours we spent there we loaded back up in the car and finished the last two hours of our drive.  At this point we were all pretty restless and just ready to get to our destination.  More about the trip later.  :)


Nathan Beck said...

Spencer looks kinda like me with that awesome uni-brow. He should wear it more often.

Lara's blog said...

That was fun to have you guys here for that long. You should do it again this summer. ;)

You're a cute mom Shree. I loved your pirate day idea!