I loved seeing them all in white! |
Trying to get a picture of everyone... our little tornado had a hard time holding still so Papa had to hold her. |
Little Katie and Lincoln. It's sure fun to have cousins to share these memories with. (Ollie was blessed the same day as his cousin Elsa.) |
When we decided last summer to skip our usual summer trip to Utah and go in the winter instead, one of the really big reasons for us was so that we could baptize Ollie with family around. He turned 8 in December. We really wanted our family to be able to share with us as he made covenants with the Lord. My parents worked things out with their ward to have Ollie baptized there. We decided to make a day of it and after the baptism we blessed Kaitlynn and then my brother also blessed his new little boy.
As I pictured the day that my oldest son would be baptized I wanted it to be really special. I wanted it to be a day that he would remember forever. I wanted him to really understand and know what covenants he was making with the Lord.
I must say that the day was as special as I had hoped it would be. Ollie really is a neat kid. I really felt that he understood what it meant to be baptized. The spirit was really strong. Then following it up with Katie's baby blessing was awesome. I'm so blessed to have such wonderful children! It was a wonderful day that we will remember forever.
A funny side note... They had some problems filling the font. Ollie had to literally lay on the bottom to be completely covered. :) We all had a good laugh about that.