Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ollie's happenings

The older your kids get the busier they get.  Ollie had a school project to make an animal habitat box.  He picked an owl.  He had to show the habitat of an own.  He had fun researching it and he had lots and lots and lots of ideas.  We narrowed it down a bit and this was the final product.  He was really proud of it.  :)

Ollie loves art.  Living in Texas...  let's just say there is a LOT of sport emphasis here.  We found a Saturday painting class and signed Ollie up.  He painted this picture.  It's his first time with paint.  He usually draws with pencil.  We hung the picture in his room.

For one of his cub scout arrow points he needed to plant a flower garden.  I helped him a bit but he did most of it on his own.  He was especially happy to pick the flowers to plant in it.

Our cute 8 year old is happy and keeps us busy!  We sure love him!


Lara's blog said...

I just read all these posts from yesterday. So much fun!!! You're such a cute mom Shree. I love all the fun things you plan for and provide for your kids. They are lucky little munchkins! And Ollie is quite the artist! And big brother! :) Love and miss you guys.

Marie said...

Ollie, I absolutely LOVE your painting! Seriously, it really shows talent!