Sunday, September 8, 2013

First Ice Cream

We went to McDonald's and got the kiddos ice cream cones.  Katie saw everyone else eating and wanted to try some.  I gave her some of mine.  When we got down to the cone I broke pieces off for her... and then I got it too close to her.  She grabbed the whole bottom section and down the hatch it went.  I was just glad that I had my camera with me.  :)

P.S.  She has her Grandpa's to thank for her beautiful blue eyes.


Lara's blog said...

I remember someone else inhaling childs cone after childs cone from good ole' Arctic Circle when granny took us, the first time you had ice cream in a cone. You sat in the middle of the table and I went back about 5 times to get you more cones. Granny thought it was pretty funny. (Shree!)

Nathan Beck said...

FIRST ICE CREAM! That is a most important event in a persons life. It is a good thing you had the camera.