Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Yeah! Lily got her cast off today! We are so super excited about it. For the first time in 16 weeks we got to see her belly button and her knees.
We got up at 5:00 and Spencer and I got ready. While I pumped he got the diaper bag packed. Then we roused Ollie out of bed at 5:30. He was sound asleep. I took off half of his pajamas before he even woke up. :) While I got Ollie, Spencer got Lily changed. We loaded them up and I drove over to Dallas. (Spencer had to work.) Ollie was super good! We explained to him ahead of time that he wouldn't be able to have a drink or eat in the car because it would make Lily sad. After we got there they gave Lily some versed which made her really silly and tired. She just kept blowing raspberries over and over again. Ollie just sat and watched cartoons on the TV. Then they took Lily off to the operating room. The doctor came and talked to me while she was in the recovery room. He said that her hip looks good; it's in the right spot now. She has a lot of scarring in her left hip so they were not able to see the head of the femur very well, so still not many ideas about how the shape of it is coming along (it's mushroom shaped instead of ball shaped). He did say that the femur head is really big for the socket. He didn't feel that she needed to be in the cast any longer but she will still wear a brace at night and for naps. Her new brace is called a Hippo brace (How insulting to compair little kids to hippo's.) Lily was super mad after they brought her back. She hates anesthesia and is always super grumpy after she has surgery. She just kept screaming and so finally the nurse said "I think she is breathing fine, why don't you go home now." Nothing like a screaming kid to get us out of there fast. :) She was a little happier after we got her home and fed. We will follow up with the hospital in 6 weeks. We really love the Scottish Rite Hospital. They are just so nice everytime we go in.

This picture is Lily right after we got home and fed her some prunes. Anesthesia makes her constipated. :) She is wearing some special stockings that they put on her before they showed me how to put her brace on. Her legs are super sensitive and I had a dress for her instead of pants.

This is her cute (and dirty) belly button. We will give her a nice bath tonight when Papa is home to help. I'm not sure if this first bath will be good or painful so I'd much rather have help from someone older than my super three year old helper.

Here's Lily's cute little legs. They are extra sensitive right now. She scratched them on the way home from the hospital and even with the leggings they started to bleed. Because of her ichthyosis she has thicker than normal scales on her legs. With time and treatment they will look normal again. :) We are excited to be able to start physical therapy. Our almost one year old will finally be able to learn to roll over! After that we will work on all the other normal baby things. :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I needed a treat for cub scout pack meeting (I'm the cubmaster for our ward). It's hard to try to get the kids taken care of and spend much time doing other things so my sweet husband said he would make them for me. He got up at 5:45 and made them before he had to leave for work at 7:00. What a lifesaver!

First Soccer Game

Ollie had his first soccer game. What a funny game it was. He stood there for most of the game. Then when he got tired of standing, he sat down. He also got pushed which caused him to throw a big scene. He has done well in practices this week so hopefully the next game will be a little more fun for him.

He was excited before the game started and wanted me to take pictures of him. He is trying to show us that he is number 7.

New Hat

I'm at a loss of how to do Lily's hair. With Ollie I just have to comb it and then it's done but little girls are a whole new world. Lily's hair is crazy and just sticks out everywhere. She also has a bald spot right in the front center portion of her head. Everytime I ask Spencer how he thinks we should do her hair he just says that she needs to wear hats all the time. In the summer it's way to hot but with things starting to cool down I can now try that. This is a new hat that I bought her. Because of the chin strap she can't get it off in under 5 seconds. Of course, she hates it. :)

Funny First

It was cold the other night so we decided to put a long sleeve onsie on Lily for bed. She wasn't too sure about the long sleeve bit. She kept trying to pull the sleeves off. After a few minutes she gave up and decided it didn't bother her. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


Lily's next cast change (hopefully off only) is on Sept. 30th. They are also going to look at the head of her femur so hopefully we will know more about the shape of it and what is going on. I really hope that I can come home that afternoon and put a picture of her knees on the blog. :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tummy Time

I love these pictures of tummy time with Lily. She doesn't really like tummy time so Ollie and I get down and play with her to help her enjoy it more.

Hurricane Ike

We got tons of rain from Hurricane Ike. Ollie and I had a lot of fun playing in the rain. We played and splashed in the puddles until we were soaking wet. I love playing with my buddy. :)


Ollie says and does funny stuff all the time. Yesterday he accidentally knocked over my plant. Soil spilled everywhere! He looked down at the mess and said, "Wow, that's a big mess!" I just had to laugh.
One day last week he came up to me and said, "Feel my hands." (He had his hands in cupping shape right next to each other.) I had no idea what he was doing so I just felt his hands. Then he said, "Now, feel my feet." By this time I was really confussed but Spencer (who had seen him come out from under a blanket in the bedroom) guessed right that he was Jesus. He had just been resurrected, came out of the tomb, and had us feel his nail prints. He is always pretending to be Book of Mormon characters. He has a great imagination. He is always having me guess who he is.
I bought him some preschool workbooks and he loves to do preschool with me at home. When we are doing school he calls me teacher the whole time and he wants me to call him student. He is super smart! He catches on to things so fast. He just finished one of the books so we hung up a little certificate in his room and he is very proud of it.
He loves to take really full baths. He loves to play with Lily. He loves to help with whatever I am doing. He loves to read books. He says that his superpower is to rescue people. He is a very loving little boy. We are so very very very thankful to have him in our family. We love him!


Lily loves to eat. She wants to hold and touch everything she eats. We have a special hand towel that we use just to cover up her cast when she eats. She gets super dirty. :) She has been in the cast for 14 weeks now. We are anxiously waiting to hear when she will get it off (or changed). She said her first word, ball. She has learned how to wave and loves to say hello and goodbye to people. When I come into the room after being gone for a minute she will wave to me and give me the biggest smile ever. She hates patch time but is learning to keep the patch on. (Mostly because Mommy and Papa bought new patches that are huge so it hurts more to pull it off herself.) We still have to watch her closely during patch time. She has learned to point, and points me to things she wants to see. She loves her big brother, Ollie, and gets so super excited each time she sees him. He, in turn, is very nice to her and shares all his toys with her, even his favorite monkey. What a delight she is to our family!

Ollie's First Soccer Practice

Ollie had his first soccer practice last night. He was really excited to go because we've been talking about it. He had fun kicking the ball for the first 15 minutes and then spent the next 45 minutes wandering around. He wasn't really too interested. Lily, on the other hand, loved it! I was holding her and sitting on the sidelines. She kept saying "ba, ba, ba," over and over again. (That is the second time that she's done that when seeing a ball, so I think I would have to say that her first word is ball.) She kept clapping and was so excited! She wanted to go play. So, Ollie who gets to play would rather play on the toys and Lily who is not able to move much would love to play. :)