Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ollie says and does funny stuff all the time. Yesterday he accidentally knocked over my plant. Soil spilled everywhere! He looked down at the mess and said, "Wow, that's a big mess!" I just had to laugh.
One day last week he came up to me and said, "Feel my hands." (He had his hands in cupping shape right next to each other.) I had no idea what he was doing so I just felt his hands. Then he said, "Now, feel my feet." By this time I was really confussed but Spencer (who had seen him come out from under a blanket in the bedroom) guessed right that he was Jesus. He had just been resurrected, came out of the tomb, and had us feel his nail prints. He is always pretending to be Book of Mormon characters. He has a great imagination. He is always having me guess who he is.
I bought him some preschool workbooks and he loves to do preschool with me at home. When we are doing school he calls me teacher the whole time and he wants me to call him student. He is super smart! He catches on to things so fast. He just finished one of the books so we hung up a little certificate in his room and he is very proud of it.
He loves to take really full baths. He loves to play with Lily. He loves to help with whatever I am doing. He loves to read books. He says that his superpower is to rescue people. He is a very loving little boy. We are so very very very thankful to have him in our family. We love him!

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