Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Decorator

One day Ollie spent the morning "decorating" his room. He took all of his diapers (still wearing them at night) and Lily's diapers and draped them around his things in his room. He then took his stuffed animals and placed them ceremoniously in different locations. The finishing touch was the blue blanket sticking out of the dresser drawer. He was very proud of his work and wanted a picture of it. I would have to say that decorating his way is definitely strange.


Jennie said...

You've sure been busy blogging, haven't you? I haven't heard anything from you for a while, and BOOM! Don't you hate acid poop? Jameson got diaper rash so bad that he would bleed. I didn't think about looking for things online. Good thinking. Poor little Lily, of everything she's gone through, you hate to add acid poop on top of it. Loved Ollie's room decorating, by the way

chiara family said...


Just a quick Hi... Anya made Valentines today and was naming all the people we had to give them to. As she was going down the list she mentioned Ollie and then said oh nope he isn't here anymore...5 minutes later "mum instead can we put Olli's valentine card in the I need your address please as she has it all ready to go.. she still really misses Ollie