I decided that I would describe a typical breakfast at our house, because they are not typical. :) Lily wakes up at about 7:00. She tells me first thing that she wants food. She loves cold cereal and feeding herself. She also loves to splash milk all over. So I feed her first thing. Then I change her and put in her contact and start patch time. By this time Ollie has also gotten up (about 8:00). Ollie does not like food first thing. We read a few books and get Ollie changed and then Ollie wants breakfast. (about 9:00) Lily is then ready for her second breakfast. For her second breakfast I usually feed her yogurt and/or fruit. Ollie doesn't eat much breakfast. Around 10:30 they are both hungry AGAIN and want a snack. Lily spends all morning eating and then hardly eats any dinner. Ollie spends all morning grazing and then eats a huge dinner. Between the two I feel like I'm always fixing food!
Anyways... here are some cute pictures. Lily just got done eating her first breakfast and slashing her milk. Ollie is eating with a giant spoon. The story- One morning I gave Ollie a spoon to eat his cereal. He handed it back and asked for a bigger spoon (no idea why). I didn't want to spend a lot of time figuring out what he was thinking so I grabed the biggest spoon we have and gave it to him. He was very excited! After a few minutes he decided that he didn't like eating with the big spoon because it was too hard and asked for the normal spoon back. He's never asked for a bigger spoon since. :)
1 day ago
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