Lily got some new hats. She LOVES them. She has several different colors but pink is her favorite. She also has some flowers to go with them. She has decided that she doesn't really like the flowers on the hat. I took this picture really quick before she managed to pull the flower off.

She loves to look "pretty". Today I asked her if she wanted to wear a dress and she wanted to wear a "pink dress". She then went into my room and looked in the full length mirror and told herself how pretty she looked. She loves this pink tutu. She would wear it all the time if I let her.

She loves to try to tell jokes. She tries to tell us knock-knock jokes (because Ollie does). She never gets them quite right. Her favorite right now is
Lily- knock knock
Mom, Papa, or Ollie- Whose there?
Lily- Mooooo
Then she laughs hysterically and says "I'm a joke!" We just laugh and say "Yes, you are a joke."
Her other favorite joke... I like to wisper in my children's ears, "I love you." It makes them smile. Ollie used to always then whisper in my ear, "I love you." Lily, however, always whispers in my ear, "I love Ollie." My job is then to tickle her and say, "You're such a teaser." She loves this little joke.
Our most exciting news for Lily is (drum roll please)... she walks! She walks very well. She wears a special shoe on her left foot to help balance her out. She loves having more freedom. This is a picture of the first built up shoe she had. A cute pair of green crocs. I know it's kind of strange to have a picture of a shoe on a blog but for all the far away family members and friends, I thought you might like to see this. :)