About a week ago, we got snow. Real snow. It was enough snow to completely cover the grass. It was awesome. I was way excited about it. I dressed the kids up real warm and outside we went. Lily promptly sat down... got all wet... and screamed and screamed and screamed. Ollie complained that his mittens didn't keep his hands warm enough and didn't want to take his hands out of his pockets (except for one very well aimed snowball directed at mom). Being the good mother that I am, what did I do... Told the children that we were NOT going back into the house until I had built a snowman. Amid the screaming and complaining I quickly built a little snowman. Then we went inside and the kiddos got a warm bath. My children are definitely Texans!
Here's a picture of Ollie standing by my quickly built, lopsided snowman. :)
You're nuts Shree. ;) I LOVE the look on poor Ollie's face!!
Ollie, Lily, we want you to be Utahns. You have to practice!!!:)
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