Monday, July 6, 2009


We visited the new Aquarium in Sandy. We met my sister, Lara, there. My mom was also there. They had all sort of fish. They had bat rays in a shallow pool that you could touch. They had snakes and frogs. We had a lot of fun. We went one of the days that it was raining. :)

They had an octopus and it was all spread out on it's tank so you could see the tentacles very well.

Posing for the camera with some fish.

Lily and Spencer at the bat ray pool. Lily was not at all nervous about sticking her hand into the water. Her arms were too short to touch the rays. Ollie, on the other hand, was very afraid of touching the bat rays. He would get all upset anytime we tried to get him to touch them. We finally got him to touch one of the tails (after Grandma promised him some ice cream if he would touch one).

Clockwise: Madi, Spencer, Lily, Ollie, Grandma Beck

Silly faces.

When we were leaving it was raining so Ollie walked Madi to the car with the umbrella. What a gentleman.

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