Thursday, August 21, 2008

Diaper Changes

I've had several people ask about how I change Lily's diaper while she is in her spica cast. Seeing as the pictures of her little bottom are not going to be posted, this will be an explanation without any pictures except this one that shows the opening. :)
In the cast there is an opening around her diaper area. First, I take out the old diaper and clean it all. If she has an EXPLOSION then it takes Spencer to hold her upside down by her ankles, while I use a wipe wrapped around a popsicle stick to clean it out. As you can imagine, she loves that part (not really). Once she is all clean then I blow dry her bottom on a cool setting. Last I use a popsicle stick to shove the diaper under her bottom, put 1/2 of a feminine napkin in, and then tuck the top part into her cast. (the pad helps to absorb urine seeing as a 10 month old is much too big for size 1 diapers) The diaper is not secured by the straps and I actually cut them off before starting because they get in the way.
At first it took forever to just change her diaper but now Spencer and I are both really fast at it. Hopefully, we only have three more weeks of this. :)
I hope this explains things a little better.

1 comment:

Jana and Mario said...

Wow, that sounds like quiet a task! I know how often I have to change Jacob's diaper... I hope with you that it will only be for 3 more weeks also!