Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Texas Rangers Game

Papa and Ollie went to a Texas Rangers baseball game for a date. They had a lot of fun. Ollie's attention span was not long enough for the whole game so they left before it was over. They got to get "jumbo hotdogs, peanuts, and lemonaide". Ollie loves Spencer so much. He always calls him his hero.
We told Ollie about the game a few weeks ahead of time (when we bought the tickets). Ollie talked about it non-stop. The night before the game when we put him to bed we told him that the game would be the next day. That next morning (game day) Ollie woke up and started singing the "Take me out to the ball game" song. He had learned all the words and sang is perfectly. He was so excited to go. He kept telling us he was going to get a "jumbo hotdog". He is sure a cute kid. We love him very much.
Just for the record--- Spencer was very excited about it too. He loves to take Ollie places and he had never been to a major league game before.

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